i feel like ugh.
ugh. i am feeling horrible lately. i wish i could say with any certainty that it is due to pregnancy, but i'm fairly certain that it is due to the fact that i didn't work out once this week.
i'm actually hoping that i can find out as early as september 4th, as ian gets to make his vacation picks that day, and we'd love to plan a few weeks vacation for him after baby is born (he'll be taking paternity leave for 2 weeks, so add 2 or 3 weeks paid vacation to that and we'll have a great time!). We could save the vacation time for a few months down the road, when we'll be more able to actual have a vacation, i suppose. i dunno. these things are so hard to plan this far in advance!
my neighbors came home from 3 weeks of camping yesterday. it was nice to have all the kids on the street back outside playing together again. i can't help but wonder how difficult it is going to be to have a newborn, a 1 year old, a 2.5 year old, a 3.5 year old and a 5 year old to look after. but then i remember - ian will always be home (no so with me - he might be on his own a few days per week), we have a huge playroom being built, and the older kids will occupy themselves.
here's hoping i'm not crazy.