August 26, 2007

Our work is done - for this month!

Just for fun, I am trying to have a girl.

This means that I am restricting all of the "trying" to the week before ovulation, up until a day prior. Then Ian's cut off. So to speak, haha. It's kind of frustrating me, because I'd like to keep trying just to increase the chances of getting pregnant. However, this method worked when we were trying for Lili, so why not.

So now we wait. September 4th, I can take an early pregnancy test. 10 days. I'm so not good at this! With Cohen, it was a surprise. With Lili, we got pregnant the first month we tried, much to our surprise. And I knew, pretty quickly. How?

I knew because one day, I just absolutely had to take a nap. HAD to. I don't nap. Even when I can nap, I usually don't. But I remember - I just collapsed into bed, begging my mom to watch Cohen. "You're pregnant!" she exclaimed. "Don't be silly," I countered. After a few hours of sleep, off I went to the drugstore, and sure enough, I was pregnant.

So I can't help wondering if I'll feel the same this time. I'm trying to prepare myself for months and months of trying. Ian just loves that idea, go figure.

One thing that is different already - I feel much older. It's kind of silly, really, since I'm in really good shape right now. But lately, I'm finding that there are little creaks and cricks in my body that weren't there before. Very mild, very minor. Part of it, I suspect, stems from me needing a new mattress! However, I think that this pregnancy will likely be slightly different from the other two, thanks to my age. I loved being pregnant both times so far - there were challenges, for sure, but I did really love it. Hopefully I'll love it a third time.

We have a couple of names in mind already. 2 possible girl names, 1 boy name. I'm relieved, as I wasn't sure we'd be able to come up with any.

All right. the countdown begins. The countdown to the countdown, that is.

Fall is just around the corner, I can't wait!



Jillian Camwell September 8, 2007 at 12:27 PM  

Can't wait to hear the names! Wow girl, you really are fertile!

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