hello, heartbeat!
well, i finally got to hear baby's heartbeat. i had the option at my last appointment to see if we could hear it, but it was a little early, and i knew that if i didn't hear it i would be worried... so i decided to wait. since i've been feeling little flutters for little while now, i wasn't very worried, but it was still nice to hear that reassuring "thump-thump-thump-thump" regardless.
i also got the flu shot while i was there.... reluctantly. the last time i got a flu shot i ended up getting really sick from the immunization. however, that was 10 years ago and in the US, so here's hoping. so far, my arm just hurts a lot. and i'm freezing, but that could be because winter has finally arrived and the air conditioning is still running full blast in my office for some reason.
the only other issue that came up at my appointment was the whole gestational diabetes issue. with lili i was borderline... which basically meant that they freaked me out for pretty much nothing, as all of the BGL testing i did was always normal. this time they gave me an option - be tested for it again, or, just assume i'll get it and go to the clinic to start BGL testing and counselling again. i opted to be tested at the lab first. no need to be pricking my finger 3x per day if i don't need to.
otherwise, everything seems just fine, which is nice. i have to schedule my u/s now, and that's the next step. i'm feeling good - crazy day of nesting yesterday. the last few nights i've had wicked heartburn at night, which i remember not-so-fondly from being pregnant with lili. thank god for tums.
all is well. next appointment with the dr is dec 20, and my u/s will probably be a week prior to that.
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