to worry or not to worry, that is the question...
Well, I had my Dr's appointment today... and got some really interesting news.
First - my glucose test was normal, hurray. I still have to do the 3 hour test at 26 weeks, but at least I'll have 7 weeks of not having to go to the GD clinic!
Second - turns out the u/s tech caught something during the u/s... has nothing to do with baby. Turns out I have a benign tumour on my spleen. Now, I get the meaning of the word "benign". But when you say "tumour", it just doesn't cause happy feelings, ya know? Anyways. I have to go for further testing after the baby is born.
Third - the tech spotted a small shadow on the babies heart. Apparently it's fairly common - seen in 2-5% of all pregnancies. However, it is something "sometimes seen" with babies who have Downs Syndrome. However, "there's no need to worry".
Really? No need to worry, eh? Look, I'm a pragmatist, but if there was truly "no need to worry", you wouldn't have told me to begin with. The best part is, they will not do any further testing.
I went through this with Lili. The whole "single umbilical artery" thing, which could lead to severe kidney problems and is ALSO sometimes seen in babies with Downs.
So, I do nothing. We chose against genetic testing to begin with, and we did that because we'd determined that it would not change anything for us (we would not abort). However, IF there is a chance that we are going to have a baby with Downs, at the very least, I want to prepare myself - find support groups, do research.
I know. The chances, they are very remote. I just hate that they would mention it without offering the possibility of further testing.
So, today I will worry, and then I have promised myself that I will put it out of my mind.
OTHERWISE, she says, everything looks fine. I have wicked Carpal Tunnel and have to get splints... she even mentioned that it could get bad enough for me to take disabillity leave from work. I doubt that will happen, but who knows. It's driving me crazy already - my hands will go numb suddenly a few times a day - and I'm not even halfway there.
So, yeah. Not sure what to make of all of this. I'll just keep on keepin on and maybe next appointment I'll be better prepared to ask some hard questions.
Oh the heartache and emotional rollercoaster that is pregnancy!! I'm sorry about all the uncertainty. This little girl is going to be showered with love, no matter what.
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