24 weeks
Hurray! Technically, the baby is now "viable". A word I hate, but love!
She is kicking like crazy these days - usually for a few hours once I get to work, and then a little in the early afternoon, after dinner, and then a good solid hour or two before I fall asleep.
Seems like she's inherited my love of schedules!
I'm feeling all right - my body is definitely telling me that this will be the last child! Lots of aches and pains. My chair at work is broken, so I have no back support, and that's causing some big problems.
I have my second (and last! hopefully) glucose test next week. As much as I love to hope I'll pass it, I have had several low-blood-sugar episodes this week, and I have a sinking feeling that I know why. I could test my blood sugar at work anytime, but I'd rather live in denial for a few more days. If I test positive, I will do the 3 hour test... and hope that I'm just "borderline" like the last time.
I'm starting to get REALLY excited about my mat leave. The fact that I'll be home with this baby seems like it's too good to be true. Plus, being able to be there for the kids before/after school, be available for class-volunteering, be able to grocery shop on any day OTHER than the weekend, and GASP be able to make dinner again... I can't wait. I have decided to take a handful of on-line courses during my mat-leave (let's be honest, if I didn't do SOMETHING I'd probably go crazy), so I'm looking forward to that too.
Names - we're still stumped. We have a list of about 8 names currently, and really it's a matter of fitting together 3 of them. I have a sneaking suspician that this will be a repeat of what happened with Lili - changing our minds on the way to the hospital, changing our minds again once we saw her... etc etc. Oh well.
24 weeks... the time is certainly speeding by. I guess I should post a picture at some point... I don't think I've allowed anyone to take any so far! By far the hardest thing for me to deal with this time around is the weight-gain. Having just lost over 30lbs, it has been quite the mental struggle to accept seeing my weight go up rather than down. Even though I know it's for a good reason. I've already gained more in this pregnancy than I did with either of my other two... which my OB says she's pleased with, since she feels I didn't gain enough back then. Still, it's hard for me to deal with. At least I know what I have to do to lose it all again... I just fret that I won't have the time. I'll make the time!
So, yeah, maybe I'll post a picture this week.
My first somewhat-inappropriate comment received during this pregnancy: In the elevator, on the way to work, these two (very goodlooking, may I add) men smile at me, and one says "hey, you can come up to our class and be a guinea pig!" I figure they're taking the EMR class. The other one smiles too, and says "you must be about ready to deliver!".
"Nope, 3.5 months to go!" I say. "WHOA, are you carrying quintuplets in there?" The first guy asks.
Lucky for him, we'd reached my floor, and I got out without comment.
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