32 weeks, 3 days
Well, it was a very interesting weekend. For me, anyway. I am beginning to see a very clear manic/depressive side to this pregnancy. Although, it's more manic/asleep. I exist in only those two states currently. Well, if not asleep, nearly asleep.
This long weekend, I was in bed each night by 10, and did not awaken before 8:30 (yay for no ballet class!). I was usually able to stay awake long enough to feed the kids breakfast, after which I would fall asleep again, usually for another hour or two. Then I'd get up, get a few things done, and log another 30 minutes or so of sleep. Once early afternoon hit - manic! Which is good, otherwise this weekend would have been a total write-off.
I finally make some decisions on the furniture/room situation - no way could I fit Cohen and Lili in the same room. So, Cohen keeps his room (which he deserves, as the oldest and only boy), and Lili and baby are going to share a room. This works really well when I think about it - Lili is a very deep sleeper, and a very quiet sleeper. She's also the one that can be awakened and fall back to sleep with no help. Lili's room is the biggest, so there is space to share - it'll be crowded, but it'll work. Her room is already pink (which we were trying to figure out what to do with for poor Cohen), and although I was going to paint baby's room NOT pink, the bedding I bought does have some pink in it, so it will still look cute. And hurray for not having to paint another room entirely! Lili's room is also right across from our bedroom, which will be convenient as well. It has the largest closet, more than enough for the two girls (yah right).
Once I made the decision, I sprung into action. Ian was at work, so I just pulled up my sleeves and did it - moved Lili's bed, took out the toddler bed (J will sleep downstairs now), moved the bookshelf, put the changetable in (which I hate - got it for free but don't love it, going to keep looking for another one), took the desk out. My neighbors had been storing our crib, so I had them bring that over, and hopefully Ian will put it together today.
Now that the decision is made, I am excited to let the kids decorate some as well. We'd been in limbo, really, so they have nothing on their walls. We're going to paint daisy's around the border of Lili's room, and hopefully I can find a twin duvet with a daisy/flower theme for her birthday. I also am going to either paint their names over their beds, or have some wooden letters made up.
And Cohen - well, we finally got his new bed in, and Ian promised he'd get the dresser set up today. I also told him we'd take him shopping for some posters etc to put up. He's pretty excited - although at first he was somewhat disappointed that he wouldn't be sharing with Lili, as those two are such good friends.
So, I feel really, really great that their rooms are cleaned and on their way to being ready. Now that we've almost finished sorting that out, we can start working on the basement, getting the room for J & B set up and decorated for them, and finishing the play room, getting the "gym" set up for me post-baby (I dream about working out all the time, can't wait to get back at it).
S & K and I also did some chatting about the back yard - moving the shed, taking down a few trees (they're pretty much dead), rototilling (sp?) the vegetable garden (it's HUGE, I can't wait), cleaning up the raspberry bushes (we get more raspberries every summer than I could have ever imagined), putting a new railing up on the deck, etc etc. It made me so excited for spring...and of course, it snowed this morning LOL! I haven't yet chatted with them re: the kitchen floor, but it's going to get done this summer, dammit!
So yes, when I'm not sleeping, I'm nesting.
Speaking of sleeping - I think I figured out what's going on. I don't think I'm sleeping very well at night. Last night, Ian didn't come to bed until 4am (it's his long change, so that's normal), and when he crawled into bed I realized, to my surprise, that not only was I awake, I'd been awake for some time. I'm pretty sure I drifted off a few times between then and 7 when I got up, but I can distinctly remember checking the clock at least 3 or 4 times between. Argh, how frustrating.
I also received a nice surprise on Sunday - a baby gift from Jill! It's the first gift, so it was pretty special :) I will post some photos of the gifts as soon as I get a chance... in the meantime, thanks Jill! I'm so sad I didn't get a chance to meet Harry on this trip.
Alrightie, back to work.
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