April 10, 2008

34 weeks, 5 days

had my regular bi-weekly appointment today. she is not convinced yet that baby has turned, so the u/s on tuesday should be interesting. baby is measuring slightly large again - 36 weeks, so i have no idea. i'm pretty sure baby is head down, judging from a)the location of the hiccups and b) the pressure on my cervix, but it could be wishful thinking.

she strongly urged me to stop working before 38 weeks. strongly urged as in on the verge of ordering bedrest. part of me was like no, no, no! but a bigger, more tired part of me was wishing she'd stop talking and write out a bedrest order for me.

the problem is, training my replacement is not going as planned. they have not found a replacement for her 2 jobs - she was already doing her job (first aid coordinator), plus filling in for another girls mat leave position (emr coordinator), and that girl doesn't come back until may 1, so... add to that the fact that one of our receptionists quit last week, and so she is filling in for reception too. needless to say, we have not had much time to be training. freaks me out - it took me a good solid 3 months to learn this position. she has 3 weeks.

and that, my friends, is why i don't think i can leave work early. not to mention the $, our budget is pretty strictly reliant upon me working until the 1st.

hmmm. the 1st is a thursday. maybe i'll leave 4 days early. no, can't do that, new emt class starts that day. dang it. i'm stuck, like it or not.

dr told me that if i can't go on leave early, then she wants me to cut back my hours. so maybe i'll talk to my boss about that. even leaving at 4pm would be great - i could go home, have an hour nap, and then pick up the kids.

i am very tired. yesterday, for example, i fell asleep at my desk for 30 minutes. in my chair, sitting upright. never done that before. and then, when i got home, i napped for 30 minutes. woke up, ate dinner (thank you ian), fell asleep for another 30 minutes. woke up, went pee, fell asleep for another 30 minutes. woke up just in time to put the kids to bed, and then went to bed myself. of course, got up every hour to pee or roll over... and it doesn't help that i get up at 6:30am, and still don't make it into work until 9am. i'm a little slow-moving these days, go figure.

anyways. things should start winding down here soon... sort of. skating is done until the end of may, cohen and lili will be done daycare may 1, swimming is done at the end of may until august... of course, starting in june i will be babysitting my brothers' daughter julia full time. yeah. i know, i'm crazy. but she's SUCH a good kid, she's only 7 weeks younger than lili, and they're such good friends... so i figured it would actually be easier to be home with a newborn if lili would have a playmate all day. plus, it's an extra $500/mth for us, which will really help our budget.

all right, i should get some work done.



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