early labour (i think)
well.... i'm almost too superstitious to type this, but...
i think labour has started. now - it could last for days! but i don't think so. i've been having contractions since 8:30 this morning - only they were really painless and irregular. at around 5:30 they started to get slightly more uncomfortable. slightly. ian got home from work and we packed up an overnight bag for the kids. i hopped into the bath around 7, which seemed to make things stall for a little while. 9:30 we went to bed, with the idea that if labour is indeed starting, we'd better get some sleep. well, the contractions started to pick up after that - although i was half asleep, i noticed that my back was starting to hurt more and more, and i was feeling really uncomfortable through my lower abdoman.
anyhoo, they've been about 10-12 minutes apart now for a few hours. still not overly painful. i figure i've got about 3-4 hours at least until things really pick up. i must have slept through this part with Lili!
i just got out of bed for a glass of water... and debated about typing this post. with my luck, i'll fall asleep tonight and everything will stop! oh well, worst case i figure my body is definitely getting ready for the main event.
now i should *try* and get some sleep... aka watch crappy late-night tv until i'm so bored that not even the potential of having my darling baby girl will keep me awake!
ahh crap most likely lili will have to miss ballet again tomorrow.
if anything progresses or changes... i'll hopefully have a chance to post a quick update before we leave. our laptop died a month ago, so i won't be able to update from the hospital.
wish us luck...
Luck and love!!
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