January 13, 2009

Dead to the world for a week!

What a week!!!!!!

Disaster struck. It all started Tuesday, when I noticed the beginnings of a sore throat. I shrugged it off as another cold trying to ruin my day... but I don't have time for colds, so I usually just keep right on going, and the cold gives up.

Not this time.

By the time I managed to get Cohen to Kodaly, I no longer had a voice, and I started to get the chills. Horrible, horrible feeling! When we got home, I managed to convince Cohen to watch Luci, and both Cohen and Lili got themselves a snack, got their PJs on, and tucked me in on the couch. As soon as I got the kids to bed, I attempted to go to bed too. No luck. At all. Of course, Ian was on nights, so I was on my own. Probably for the best, as I tossed and turned all night, aching all over.

Wednesday was a write-off. In fact, Ian didn't go in to work because I was absolutely incapable of looking after Luci. I spent Wednesday and Thursday and most of Friday in bed. Friday eve I was feeling somewhat better, and Ian was having poker night, so I was up and about, making them food and hanging out with Lee. Saturday, I was determined that I was getting better, and made a trip to the mall to return my dishes (they clashed with my walls... but it was all worth it, as I found a set I love even more). Big mistake - when we got home, I was feeling so much worse. Saturday night was absolutely terrible - if I knew it wouldn't have hurt more, I would have cried the entire time. My throat was in agony. I was drinking gallons of ice water with no relief. I was taking about 1200mgs of Ibuprofen each day with no relief. After another sleepless night, Sunday morning I woke up and headed straight for the doctor.

He wasn't impressed that I waited so long. Strep throat, and a severe case of it. He wrote me a presciption, told me to pick up extra-strength Ibuprofen AND Tylonol, and to spend no less than 3 days in bed. (Ha. Ha. Ha.)

I had to cancel girls night (yeah, you know it's serious when...). Cohen had his first "real" hockey game (Ian made me stay home, but I couldn't do it - Cohen looked too sad - so I drove there myself and watched the first 2/3 before I got too cold and had to go home), I missed a friends' daughter's first birthday party... and I feel totally behind on everything.

The house, oh the house. It was a disaster. Last night I finally started feeling human again (aka stoned on painkillers), and in a whirlwind of energy, spent 2 hours cleaning. Of course, I'm paying the price today, but I'm still glad I did it. The only thing worse than being sick at home is being sick in a filthy home.

My throat still hurts a lot - probably I'll start feeling an improvement tomorrow - but the fever is gone, and the world is in focus again. I can't remember the last time I was that sick! It's horrible! At least I know now that I do make a difference in this family... (hopefully Ian knows it too). I am so happy to get back to packing lunches, signing field trip forms, sweeping floors and folding laundry.

And working on my secret project ;) to be revealed soon...

Oh well. Better last week than this week - I start classes tomorrow. Exciting!


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