depression to euphoria
i can't wait to be done with the first trimester. my moods are becoming more and more unstable (just ask ian). everything seems very overwhelming to me - a feeling that is very rarely experienced by me. i come home from work and i just want to crawl into bed and rest until it's bedtime.
i haven't been able to even go to the gym. last week, i went to one swimming class - and i was yawning the entire time. i had hoped it would give me more energy, but not so. i could barely walk to the car when it was over. and i feel like my heartrate never increased at all, i was working so little.
and of course, not working out has left me blue and guilty. and so i feel big already too.
i have been napping every day for at least an hour, and i feel like i could handle double that easily. i'm not getting any housework done, which depresses me even further.
PLEASE, let the next 6 weeks go quickly!
Well, let me actually comment on something I've been through (but look who I'm talking to!)... I needed a nap every single day of my first trimester, or I couldn't function. 2 hours was ideal, but sometimes I got 30 min. You know that it will pass. And try not to feel guilty about not working out. You are growing a baby, for goodness sake! That takes a lot of energy. Sometimes I think we need to be reminded of matter how many pregnancies you've been through. Stay strong. You'll get there!
UGH i totally was not this tired with the first two. or... maybe i just can't remember ;)
this whole working-full-time-while-in-the-first-trimester... whose brilliant idea was that? i say, there should be mat leave for th e first trimester too...
I can't fathom working full-time during the first trimester. Power to you!! I agree on the mat there a petition you want me to sign?
I can't imagine working on a DMA while pregnant! Power to YOU! LOL! Women today...we're pretty incredible!
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