Third time a charm
Ian and I are definately so excited for this baby. Not that we weren't excited with Cohen and Lili - we were - but there was a definate element of fear, and... I don't know... distraction. Our lives were so crazy and disordered. With Cohen, we bought a house, and we were both trying to graduate. With Lili, we had one-year-old Cohen to deal with. This time, well, we're both settled into our jobs, we're (almost) settled into our home, Cohen and Lili are so independant... it's wonderful to be able to know what to expect (knock on wood). I know that there is always the chance that things will happen differently, but I also know that there is no point in worrying. Speaking of worrying...
I would NOT recommend "What to Expect While Your Expecting" to any first-time mom. That stupid book filled me with so much fear during my first pregnancy. Oh yeah, the fear is mixed in with tidbits of good (if somewhat outdated) information. But in general... god. What a horrible book. There are dozens of better books that are far more accurate.
Anyways. There's such magic with each child. The first - you really have no idea. You can talk to as many people as you want, but you always know that you're in for a surprise. It's all a little bewildering. In fact, it's kind of funny, because I remember being somewhat bewildered until Lili came along! The first 2 years are so filled with newness. And along came miss Lili. I remember feeling so much more comfortable with Lili, but I also felt guilty. Cohen required so much attention, poor Lili spent a lot of time sitting in the bouncy-chair by herself. Luckily, she was such a content baby.
I do remember how different it felt immediately after each birth. With Cohen, I was completely elated (bewildered), and happy. Sort of a "oh, this is cool!". With Lili, I remember spontaneously bursting into tears, as soon as they said "healthy girl". We'd been so afraid of the possible problems caused by her single umbilical artery (side effects are rare but serious)... and, I think I refused to believe that it was actually a girl until she was born. And I never dreamed I'd have a daughter.
I can't help but wonder what I will feel with this baby. Sadness, perhaps, as this will be the last. Relief, for a third healthy child? We shall see.
One thing I'm trying not to think about is private music lessons for 3 children. Expensive!
All of my non-musician friends say "why don't you teach them?". Hahah. HAHAHAHA. Yeah. I'll stay a mile away from that.
Cheerios! (best toddler food ever).
I'm glad I read Ina May's Guide to Childbirth before starting "What to Expect"...I promptly stopped reading it. I was getting so angry at some of the things it said, not backing it up with any evidence, reports, etc.--just feeding me with fear. Guess what the midwife's book had? Facts to support her subject matter. Stories of real women to give a glimpse of the infinite possibilities in a natural, joyful childbirth. I guess it's just the cynicism a lot of people have about midwifery. They have more faith in medicine than in nature. Why? mind has trailed off and I can't rope it in. I guess you won't be getting an eloquent conclusion from me today. There's baby brain for you. (And is it true that it doesn't come back once the baby's born??)
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