January 10, 2008


Well, a few weeks ago it was discovered that I have over 130 hours of vacation time that I have to use before my mat leave starts. Boo hoo! LOL!

So, I took this week off, since Ian has 12 days off as well. Boy, did we have plans! Since his next vacation isn't until April, we wanted to try and get as much done as possible this week. Start getting Cohen/Lili's shared room started (it's currently just Lili's room, and VERY pink), pick a colour and bedding for the baby's room, do SOMETHING with the basement bedroom for Jaedyn and Brae... etc etc etc! Not the mention the FUN stuff we'd planned: we promised the kids swimming, bowling, a trip the the museum...

Of course, we sorta forgot to take into consideration that we'd have J & B Sun-Mon-Tues-Wed. That's ok, not a problem. So, here's how it's gone so far:

Sun - J & B show up at 7:00am. 7:30am, I change super-diahhrea diaper (I'm talking up to - and in - the hair, resulting in a bath). I notice that J is coughing still.
5:30pm - parents pick up, I casually mention super-diahhrea diaper. Mom says, "oh... we had the flu on our off days, he must still be suffering from it a bit".
Mon - J & B show up at 7:00am. 8:30am, I change another super-diahhrea diaper. I'm not happy. It's one thing when it's your own baby... it's completely awful when it's not.
5:30pm - parents pick up.
6:30pm - Cohen's tummy hurts, and he refuses ice cream for dessert. Clearly, it's serious.
7:00pm - Cohen barfs for the first time.
11:30pm - Cohen barfs for the 11th time, Ian barfs for the first time.
1:00am - Cohen barfs for the 13th time, Ian barfs for the 3rd time, Mary starts to feel horribly queesy.
3:00am - Cohen barfs for the 15th time, Ian barfs for the 4th time, Mary gets it the other end.
6:00am - Cohen finally barfs for the last time (poor guy), Ian barfs for the last time, Mary races for the toilet for the second time just as Lili says "mommy... my tummy hurts".
7:00am - Lili barfs for the first time.
8:00am - Mary starts to cry, as this the family has been sick for EVERY vacation she's ever had. 8:30am - Lili starts to cry with Mary, as today was her "special helper" day at preschool - I was supposed to come and spend the day at her school, something I NEVER get to do because I'm always at work. Mary calls school to beg off.
11:00am - Mary calls J & B's parents to tell them that the Swaffield's are too sick to care for their kids that night. J & B's parents say they feel bad - since they probably gave it to us.
4:30pm - entire family is still in bed, starting to heal thanks to popcicles and pedialyte. Still too weak to stand up for more than a minute or two at a time.
4:35 - J & B's parents call. They can't find alternative care until 8pm, so they'll be dropping the kids off as normal at 5:30.
4:36 - Ian breaks phone by throwing it at the wall.
7:30 - Cohen starts to cry as he realizes that he's missing his first swimming lesson in level 3 because he's sick.

Well, we got through 5:30 - 8:00pm somehow (definitely NOT the best childcare I've ever provided). Cohen and Ian slept in our bed, Lili and I each took a couch and drowsily chatted until midnight when we all fell into a feverish sleep.

The good news is, it's over. By the morning, we were all feeling somewhat better - a shower for the adults and bath for the kids really helped. We managed to get most of the house cleaned up (it's amazing what one sick day can do to a clean house), although we still had to stop and rest every 20 minutes or so. We got some food into us... a few bites really... Got out of the house to run some errands. J & B were back again tonight at 5:30...

We're going to have to sit down and lay some rules out. Their kids are ALWAYS sick, and we kep catching it. I've brought this up in a round-about way a few times, but the response is always a jovial "they'll probably always pass things back and forth". Enough is enough. I've already used my sick days. Ian has received a warning about the number of sick days he's taken. My kids have missed a ton of school and other activities. I DO NOT take my kids to daycare when they are sick - if I can't find alternative care, then I stay home.

So, here it is, Wednesday night, and we've done exactly NONE of the things on our list. I go back to work on Monday. I can't even stand to think about it. So, we're hoping to make the most of the next 4 J & B-free days. Bowling tomorrow. Friday, my mom is taking the kids overnight, and Ian and I are doing dinner and a movie. During the day, we'll try and get some furniture moved and rooms organized. Saturday, swimming with the kids. Sunday, skating with the kids.

I don't know why I posted this on the baby-blog.

In other baby- news... my friends Murray and Mel welcomed their baby girl Sydney Alyssa into the world yesterday. She's adorable... I can't wait to meet her!

In my baby news - Baby is kicking like crazy. I'm also having really obvious Braxton Hicks all the time, especially noticible when I'm stressed out, which is probably too often these days. My next Dr appointment is Jan 17 - hope to find out more info on the bombs she dropped last month.

I'm dying to go shopping - Once Upon a Child here I come - but I'm trying to show some restraint. I had put in several bids for bedding on E-Bay, but was actually relieved when I was outbid. Denial? Maybe! Or maybe I just didn't love it as much as I thought... will keep an eye on E-Bay and see if something I like more comes up. I think I might come up with a shopping schedule - January: receiving blankets, Month 1 diapers. February: Crib bedding, changing table. March: sleepers, blankets, Month 2 diapers. April: more clothes, co-sleeper, stroller, Month 3 diapers. Nursing pads/bras, labour supplies.

Hmm, well have to see.

All right, must get some sleep, will need mucho energy to pack what should have been 7 days into the next 4!



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