July 31, 2008

You're F'ing Kidding Me.

So, last night, Ian goes to take the kids to swimming lessons. A moment after he goes outside, he comes back in, finds me in the bedroom getting into my workout clothes, and he throws something at me.

My keys.

Apparently, they were on the passenger seat in the van all along. I swear, I looked there. Twice.


Well, on the plus side - BENIGN, eh? Whew.

Here's some hilarious pictures to celebrate. Yes, that last one is being saved for his wedding ;)

July 30, 2008

A Trip to the Doctor's Office... or: I must be INSANE

I planned ahead. A lot. I put the kids' clothes out before we went to sleep. I packed some snacks in the event of a long wait. I set my alarm for 6am! for a 9:30 appointment. Here's how it turned out:

6am - alarm goes off. apparently. i never heard it.
7:25am - i wake up, cursing. for once, all three kids have slept in.
7:30am - shower
7:40am - get dressed
7:45am - nurse luci
8:00am - wake up Lili, practically carry her into the bathroom, and shower her. not sure she ever woke up during this process.
8:15am - wake up Cohen, no time for a shower, make kids cereal, manage to wolf down a few bites myself
8:30am - get kids dressed, nurse Luci. Notice she smells like sour milk.
8:40am - give Luci a bath
8:45am - pack up the bag - proud of myself for remembering snacks.
8:50am - load everyone into the van
8:51am - frantically search for keys. i check my bag, my other bag, the van, the table in the foyer, the kitchen, the dining room, my bedroom. no luck. remember that i took said keys to the park yesterday, and that my bag fell over not once but three times. keys are probably at the park.
8:55am - phone my brother in a panic. ask if he can come by and loan me his car. i had to make these dr appointments 3 months in advance. no way am i missing them.
9:00am - brother arrives, we load everyone into HIS car, drop him off, and we're on our way.
9:15am - arrive at Dr office downtown. as usual, there is no parking. we circle the block once, twice, three times, four times. i finally spot an open parking meter, and we swoop in. i check my wallet - no change. luckily i spot a toonie on the floor of my brothers car.
9:20am - put toonie into meter. meter makes satisfying "clink" sound, but the minutes do not appear. meter is in fact taunting me with flashing zeros. i expand my childrens' vocabulary by introducing them to some new and exotic curse words. decide that we'll take our chances and leave the car parked by the evil meter.
9:25am - we're in the waiting room, 5 minutes early. i heave a huge sigh of relief, and settle in to read a book to the kids. Luci is sleeping. all is well.
9:30am - (right on time, how often does THAT happen?) my doc comes out to gather us up. we enter what must be the worlds smallest and HOTTEST examination room. the kids are immediately cranky. luci starts to cry. doc is trying to catch up by asking me a zillion questions about their lastest viral infection. i'm trying to remember everything i wanted to ask him. he wants to chat about luci's birth. i want him to examine cohen and lili and get us the hell outta there.
9:35am - luci starts making really great faces. everyone laughs but me - i know what the faces mean
9:40am - luci starts to cry. i take her out of the carseat, and try and calm her, which i already know will do no good. the sweetie has pooped (i'd know her poop faces anywhere), and hates sitting in it. i mentally review everything i put in the bag: i know i threw in a diaper at the last minute, but it is unlikely that i remembered wipes. she pooped yesterday, you see, and typically only poops once per week.
9:45am - doc asks me to get lili undressed. i put luci down in her carseat. glance down at my pristine white skirt... which is now covered in 5-6 spots of luci poop. i restrain myself this time, and curse silently. i can now feel the sweat trickling down my back. grab some paper towels with one hand, and tug at lili's pants with the other.
9:50am - doc casually mentions that my u/s results came back - the tumour is benign. !!!!!!! i will have to have a CAT scan once every year, but other than that, i'm clear.
10:00am - doc proclaims the kids are healthy. i change luci's diaper (no wipes - but paper towels + water do the job), grab the kids their suckers, and we're off.

no ticket on my brothers windsheild - hurray.

10:30am - arrive home, with healthy kids and a headache and a benign tumour but still no keys (I checked the park).

note to self: ask mom or friend to accompany me to the next dr appointment. an extra set of hands will come in handy!

July 22, 2008

I heart Rock Band

Last night we had our annual summer BBQ (also meet Luci party). After spending the entire day preparing (Luci was super-fussy, so I was only able to do things in 5 minute spurts) and shopping (I also heart Costco and my mom for braving the crowds with me), I was exhausted by the time 6pm arrived.

NOTE TO SELF: Stop planning parties on days that Ian works, so that I can actually not be completely responsible for planning/prepping!

Anyways, very few people showed up. Which turned out to be ok, but I'll admit I was dissapointed. I know - it's summer, everyone is busy. I totally understand. I will say - it felt pretty weird without my favourite girls there - Alison was camping, Heidi had family in town, and Karmen... I don't know where Karm was!

It turned out to be a couples party, after all, except for Andre, but he left early. We had Dave & Elaine and Lee and Andy, and Don and his lovely wife came later. After chilling outside and eating mucho BBQ'd hot dogs, pasta salad (thanks Elaine), drumsticks (thanks Andre) and Kettle corn (OH MY GOD thank you Lee!), once the kids were safely in bed we couldn't resist all piling into the living room for an hour or 4 of Rock Band.

So. Much. Fun. If you haven't tried this game, I highly recommend it. Ian and I are actually going to be holding monthly Rock Band parties. Stay Tuned.

I will admit, when Ian bought this game a few months ago, I was skeptical. I had played (and enjoyed) Guitar Hero, but for me, the luster had worn off after a few weeks. I feared the same would occur with Rock Band...

I was so wrong. Turns out, I LOVE to drum. And - even though my voice is awful, I can easily keep the pitch (thank you, 4 years of musicianship classes), and now I love to sing too. Ian still loves to play the guitar, so we have ourselves a nice little band. Did I mention the kids love to play as well? Although it will never replace formal music lessons in our house, I will admit that the drumming helps them learn to keep the beat, and the singing helps them with pitch recognition. Also, it's pretty damn adorable.

All in all, fun for the whole family. Last night was especially fun, considering our guests: Elaine is unafraid to get crazy on vocals (love it), Lee is a singer/songwriter and also unafraid to go crazy with the cheezwiz, Andy is a notorious musician in Calgary with crazy skills on vocals and guitar and he was picking up the drums pretty damn well too. Ian is a psycho-guitarist/drummer (it amazes me, he plays circles around all of us musician types), and Dave and I were our normal reserved-yet-enthusiastic selves.

The best part was when Cohen got out of bed to sing Blitzkreig Bop for everyone (for everyone! my little shy one!) and achieved 99% - one of the highest scores of the evening.

Anyways, we had a great time, and still managed to be in bed by midnight (ok, 12:30, Ian and I couldn't resist doing a few extra songs on our own once everyone left). I was smart and cleaned up before we went to bed, so today I'm enjoying the post-party bliss - relaxing on the couch, nursing a lot, and eating leftovers.

Here's a few shots of the kids rocking out a while ago:

July 19, 2008

damn those shots

poor luci had her 2 month immunizations this afternoon. i knew it would be a traumatic experience with her - cohen cried for a few minutes, lili didn't even cry at all (i would say she pretty much just glared at the nurse)... but luci, little luci is a crier.

sure enough, the little one screamed bloody murder for about 30 minutes. of course, i'm used to it (although my heart was breaking, i do know for a fact that they recover from this stuff) as she cries often. i thought the nurse was going to cry though.

other than sore little legs, she's doing great - she's in the 95th percentile for height at 75th for weight. not surprising - everyone was SO surprised at her weight when she was born, because she was such a skinny little thing. but the girl inherited her daddy's height, so far anyway.

i'm glad that is over though. i always dread it - more because of the 8 million questions (rate how capable you feel as a mother this week between 1 - 10... i would have said 9 but i had just finished yelling at cohen and lili in the van, so i went with 7.5). i get it - i do - and i even support what they are trying to prevent. but i really want to say "hey, i get it, but let's skip this part, we're fine, everything is fine, i'm not going to drown my kids! and my husband doesn't hit any of us cause if he did he'd find himself castrated!".

i don't think they'd go for it though. just like, that time that we took lili to the hospital when i was pregnant with luci and the nurse asked (once ian had left the room to get me some water) if there was any abuse in the home... i said "only when he's really drunk, which is only twice a week so it's really ok". she didn't find it funny for some reason. i only did it because she knew ian from work... lol. took me forever to convince her i was joking.

i guess that's like joking about carrying a bomb on board a plane these days.

well, the first immunization day is a marker for other reasons too - this was the night that Cohen first slept through the night. i remember waking up in the morning thinking he was dead! nope - just sleeping. after that he slept for 12 hours at night for a long time (i think until he was about 3, which is when we started experiencing some really fun bedtime problems). lili slept through the night from day 1 - 12 hours on the dot, and she hasn't strayed from that at all. knock on wood!

luci sleeps the least out of any baby i've had! she sleeps from about 10 or 11pm until 3:30ish, then does a power feed (5-10 minutes), sleeps again until 6, another feed and if i'm lucky she'll sleep again until around 9, but 50% of the time she's up and then doesn't sleep again until around 8:30. she dozes all day, but never longer than 30 minutes or so.

if she isn't sleeping through the night by 4 months, we'll probably start letting her cry. i know it seems like such an awful thing, but in my experience, if you do it right, it only takes about a week. my feeling is that most babies pick up on the anxiety and guilt of the mother, and this makes them cry more. i won't have much guilt nor anxiety - one thing i've learned, babies cry, and it doesn't hurt them. some of the nights we went through with cohen... good god. and he's perfectly fine now.

of course, this means that i have to get luci into the crib soon. she's still in the cradle next to our bed. in the last few weeks, she's actually spent all night in the cradle (i used to start here there but bring her into the bed with us after the 3:30 feeding). i've also been trying to put her down between 10pm-11pm while she's still awake, so she becomes used to putting herself to sleep.

here's hoping.

well, best go fold laundry while i have the chance!


July 17, 2008

Math 30... uh huh

Ok, so just for kicks, I went to the library today to check out some of this silly "Pure Math 30" stuff (it's a prerequisite for the degree I'm looking into).

I almost peed myself laughing. Now, it has been 12 years since I was in high school (holy f-word). Add to that the fact that I didn't really study during school, and math was the only subject I struggled with (hmm, perhaps the not studying had something to do with that?). I was fabulous at it up until grade 10, when I had the worst, asshole-jock teacher who treated all music students like crap. And he HATED me.

So, long story short, I have Math 33 (now called "applied Math 30" - basically, enough math to help you pay your bills every month, not much more). I can barely remember my multiplication tables (which is probably all right, apparently it's all done by calculator now)...

So, today I went online and ordered myself a Grade 7 math textbook. And I'm gonna do it from page 1. Hopefully I can manage the grade 7 stuff. Seriously - they say that the curiculum these days is about 2 years more advanced than it was a decade ago.


I am also having to do Bio 30. At least I have Science 30, so I'm hoping Bio 30 won't be such a stretch for me. I took out a Bio 30 book from the library, and will probably start my online course in September. Did I mention that? I have to actually take Bio 30 and Pure Math 30 STARTING IN SEPTEMBER if I want to make the application deadline to the program I'm looking into.


So, these evenings, you'll find me pouring over Biology and Math textbooks...

July 16, 2008

the Sound of Silence

So, a few minutes ago I ordered Cohen and Lili to go downstairs, as they were playing pretty rough, and loudly, and I just couldn't take it anymore.

Luci, darling girl, was asleep.

TV was off.

Radio was off.

I was catching up on my blog reading, when suddenly I realized...

Absolute silence.

And you know what? It made me REALLY uncomfortable. My skin was actually crawling!!!!

Luckily, WHEW, Luci woke up a minute later and started to scream and cry. MUCH BETTER.

July 15, 2008

November, really?

Finally heard back from the Neurologist re: my numb fingers (which are driving me absolutely BATTY, I keep dropping things).

My appointment is for the END OF NOVEMBER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ARGH!!!!!!!!

I knew it would be "a few months" - but if you consider that the referral was made 2 months ago... that's 7 months!

Grrr. I was really hoping to have them checked out before my playing season began.

Oh well. Guess I'll just have to suck it up and learn to live with it!!! Thank GOD it's my left hand!

July 14, 2008

2 months old, 6 years old!

Luci is 2 months old today, and Cohen turned 6! WOW, I can't believe I've been a mom for 6 years already. That's crazy-talk.

Our day was quite busy and fun - my mom came and we took Cohen out for brunch this morning. Then my dad and step-mom came and brought cake for everyone. Then, we ordered pizza (Cohen's choice) and once Ian came home from work, took the kids to see Wall-E (EXCELLENT MOVIE!!!!!!!!). Cohen was all smiles all day, which was nice.

For the record - this was Luci's second movie at the theatre, and like the first time, she slept pretty much through the entire movie. I am SO grateful for that... makes life much easier, even though I was sitting right by the exit door just in case.

Been doing some thinking about my future lately - career-wise. Wondering if I should go back to school, and if so, for what? Obviously, if I'm going to go back to school, it's going to have to result in a job that 1) pays more than I make now and 2) will pay for the schooling within a year or two. And it's going to have to be what I call a "forever career" (as opposed to a temporary career!). If I'm going to shell out 20 grand or so for another 4 years of school, that's it, that's the one. As Ian says, we're only allowed 2 degrees each (although there is an exception for more than one degree in the same subject).

I dunno. If I am going back to school, I'll still have to work full-time. At this point, it wouldn't be until September 2009, which gives me some time. Applications aren't accepted until December... but I'll have to do some upgrading first, most likely, which means NOW. Hey - anyone know the difference between this "Pure Math 30" and the Math 30 (or, in my case, Math 33) that we took in high school?

I don't know. I love my current job, I just have a feeling that financially I won't be able to go much higher within the company. Maxed out after just 2 years... not great. Hard to see a bright future knowing that.

Also - I desperately MISS school! I love school. Of course, I should be more specific - I love MUSIC school. Who knows how I'll feel about another major. Then again - the music degree was crazy - sometimes taking as many as 9 or 10 courses per semester, (most majors allow a max of 5), plus hours and hours of practicing (on top of studying and writing papers and memorizing composer dates). Taking only 5 courses and ONLY having to study (ok, and raise 3 kids) sounds like a walk in the park to me.

Ahhh who knows.

There is still the chance that I'll just go back to teaching music and stay home with my kids!

Well, must be off to bed, busy week ahead!

July 12, 2008

The waiting begins...

Well, today I had my big ultrasound. Of course, I have no idea of the results, probably won't for a week or so. It was still pretty surreal to be lying there staring at a tumour on the screen. I was in there for quite a long time - 30 minutes - and she took images of it from every possible angle.

I'm really hoping I don't have to have a biopsy. My doc said "most likely" not, because it appeared to be benign, but it would depend on the results of today.

So now we wait.

In much cheerier news, I'm still loving being at home with these munchkins. Our neighbors are on vacation for 2 weeks, and that means that we are too, in a way, as we only have 3-4 kids to watch now. 4 on weekdays, 3 on weekends. It's amazing how much easier 3 kids seem after caring for 6. We've got some "family time" planned - a movie night for Cohen's actual birthday, a bowling night, and a trip to Drumheller to visit the Tyrell museum. And then, of course, we're headed out to the Okanagan in less than a month for our first real holiday! I'm SO excited.

Here's a few pics of Luci, pretty in purple, in the bath, as well as one with her big sister, and Cohen practicing piano!

July 11, 2008

7 hours

that's how long i had to myself yesterday. ian kicked me out of the house at 11am, told me not to come back before 6.

i had no plans. i couldn't get in touch with anyone, so i was totally on my own.

first stop: gas station. the radio is playing "killer queen" and i'm rocking out. i'm also talking to myself, because i cannot stand the quiet in the van.

second stop: once upon a child. yes, i went shopping for the kids. i got some super-adorable stuff too - several jumpers for luci, plus a sweater for the fall. i also got myself a pair of crocs on sale (i know everyone hates these shoes, but they are so great for housework). and, a nursing pillow (finally). i spent an hour there, which was great.

then it was lunch time. since my trainer indicated that i needed to be eating approximately 400-800 more calories in each day, i decided to actually order something i like. i decided to go to Ricky's, since they have cozy booths and i could sit there for as long as i wanted without them caring. i ordered a turkey club wrap with fries. so good. i sat there and read my book and enjoyed my food. and my thoughts! it was very, very strange to be alone with them.

then my mom called... and she was in the area, so i invited her over to the restaurant for lunch. we chatted, and then she asked if we could go shopping to costco (i have a card, she does not). not exactly what i had planned for the day, but shopping is shopping!

i got some great stuff there. a new cozy blanket for the living room, and a huge picture frame (should i ever get around to getting some pics developed). lots of vegetables (exciting to me).

unfortunately, this took up the rest of my time. by the time we were done, it was 5pm, and i knew that with traffic, i'd better be getting home. i enjoyed the drive in rushour (again, just my and my thoughts, no answering a million questions from the backseat). when i got home, ian had ordered pizza (thincrust for me). the house was not clean as promised (however, i hadn't been expecting it - unlike him, i know how it is with 6 kids under 6 to care for), but the kids were hysterical to see me.

it was a nice day. i'm hoping i get another day like this in a month or so, and this time i'll have more notice and be able to plan it better. say, a manicure or something!

oh, and i got to go out after dinner too - it was my swimming night. overall, a great day... today i'm back to the grind, (only 4 kids though), trying to clean the house and feed everyone etc etc.

July 10, 2008

Yay, first week

Weigh in - down 6 lbs. I know the first week is usually the biggest week, but I'm still happy with that number.

Bad news - got an email from my trainer this week saying that she miscalculated my caloric intake goal - she had it at 2100 (which, to be honest, made me feel like I was eating all day long and I rarely made it to 2000) and now she wants it between 2500 and 2900...

Short of going to McDonalds every day (tempting) I don't know that I can eat that much.

We'll see I guess!

July 9, 2008

8 weeks

I'll admit it - I'm a little sad that Luci is already 8 weeks old. Today, at the pool, there was another mom there with wee one - must have been days or just a week old. I couldn't help it, I was sad! I know how fast these months and years are going to go. This year especially - I'm still dealing every day with the decision of what to do when my year of leave is up. Anyways, Luci is just a few days short of 2 months old already. How does that happen? Tonight, as I stared at her smile, I wondered, for a split second, if maybe there would be room for a 4th child in our lives. JUST FOR A SPLIT SECOND.

The reality is, we couldn't afford it. Do I think we could handle 4 kids - hell ya, we are handling 6 just fine, thank ya! 4 would feel like nothin. But, Ian and I do have grand plans for retirement and for when our kids move out. I don't know. The other thing is, there is no way I want to tempt the fates by trying for a 4th, perfectly healthy child. Seriously, I cannot believe how lucky we have been (knock on wood).

Anyways, I'm still done. We're still done. I'm just a little sad about it, that's all.


Met with my trainer for my first full-length session today. She kicked my ass all over the block, lemme tell ya. She had us work out outside, which would have been fine, except:
1- I wasn't planning on having all my neighbors see me in my sweat-suit glory, red-faced and exhausted too...
2- it was darn hot out. I despise being hot. Next time, I want to work out in the skating rink.
3- the mosquitos!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Holy crap! Even though I was well-drenched in repellent, I could feel them biting me through my clothes. And of course I was sweating like crazy, which only brings them on in droves.

Other than that, it was a great workout. She had me do all of my arm stuff (with weights) while we were walking (fast). SUCH a better workout than doing them while stationary. The only problem is, I like to workout while watching crappy TV usually (allows me to be distracted from the agony), even though I know that working out is most effective if you are 100% focused on what you're doing. It's also rather embarrasing, as I mentioned. Not only did the neighbors on my cul-de-sac get to see me hot and sweaty, practically all of Westgate did as well, during our 2 walks .

Ok, seriously, I'm not by nature self-conscious, but it did feel a little crappy to imagine what they were seeing: The overweight, purple-faced woman panting and groaning with weights, walking down the street with the size 2, scantily clad, blonde bombshell of a trainer. I felt like a walking cliche. I kept trying to tell myself, hey, I'm sure they respect the fact that I'm out here doing something about it... but I'm pretty sure that many of them (them being the hundreds of neighbors I have that are obviously home at 3:30 on a weekday afternoon during Stampede no less and who have nothing better to do than to stare out their front window and make gross assumptions about me) looked at me and expected me to fail.

Grrr. Yup, nothing like a little psychological nonsense to get you through a workout.

Anyhoo, I got through it, and this week I've got to swim 2 nights (Karm, if you are interested, you should come with! It's a good workout), and go for 2 walks (with Luci, my own personal 12 lb weight). She so far doesn't expect me to do the workouts that we do together, on my own. Which is a little odd. I'm not just paying her to work out with me once a week, I'm paying her to design me a workout plan... so I guess I should ask her about it, eh?

11:45pm - my brother just came up to the front window and knocked on it - hard! I'm sitting her wearing just a towel, having come straight from my bath to blog. Ian is out, nothing like a little random banging on the window to get a girl screaming. Good to know that if anyone ever tried to break in, I'd do nothing other than scream. Jesus. Amazingly, the kids did not wake up. My heart sure is pounding though, man.

All right. Tomorrow morning is my first weigh-in - officially marking the completion of my first week back on the saddle.

I think I'll go to McDonalds to celebrate. JUST KIDDING. Seriously though, Ian has granted me freedom from 11am - 5pm tomorrow- I have to be out of the house and cannot return early. I'm not sure what to do with myself. So far, my only plan is to go to Wal-Mart and get some pictures developed, and browse a bit (you cannot browse with kids in tow). Hell, how suburban am I? 6 hours of free time and my only destination is Wal-f'ing-Mart. Probably I'll go out for lunch somewhere and depress myself by eating a stupid-healthy chicken breast (I know, it should make me happy to treat my body well, blah blah blah) and salad. I'd go shopping, but we're broke until our vacation is done. I'd go to a movie but what fun is a movie without soaked-in-butter popcorn?

Jesus, am I that pathetic now, that I have nothing to do? No friends to hang out with (at least, none that aren't working...)... I don't know. I don't know what I'll do. Man, if I could eat crap or at least smoke, I'd have a grand time. I've sucked all the fun outta my life to be healthy though.

It's WAY past my bedtime. Lately Luci has been waking at 4:30am, and deciding she's up for the day. The girl doesn't sleep more than 8 hours outta 24 these days, so I'm wiped. 6am I can deal with. 4:30 is inhumane. So tonight, i actually woke her at 10:30 to feed her, in the hopes that she'll sleep a little longer...

July 7, 2008

Pretty Smile!

Finally, she let me capture some of her beautiful smiles!

Oh, to be mobile is bliss!


Too funny. I'm SO grateful to be on my feet again. It's amazing to me how things really fall apart so quickly! I'm hoping that maybe Ian realizes now how much I do in a day normally, because after 2 days with me unable to do much, the house was a mess, the kids were bored to death, no groceries in the house, etc etc. Sheesh, I'm SO grateful that I got to clean up today.

Last night we went to a BBQ at Heidi's place - which was nice. It's always nice to talk to adults! I enjoyed 1.5 low-cal beers (argh), and some marshmallows! The kids had a great time, and it was nice to get out with Ian for a change. We're planning a simular BBQ (potluck) in the next few weeks, stay posted...

We took all 3 kids to the wavepool today - huge excursion! Luci's first swim - I didn't take any pictures of her in her adorable green plaid bikini (passed down from Lili). Wish I had! She was a trooper, she barely cried at all, and really seemed to enjoy the water (which is a neccesity in our family). Cohen and Lili had lots of fun, and I particularily enjoyed my 10 minutes in the hot-tub.

SO I'm 5 days into my "new lifestyle", and it's going well. I'm handling the lowered calories well, and actually feel relieved to be back in control again. I was unable to do any excercizing this week (except for tomorrow morning, 7am you'll find me at the pool!), which kind of sucks. Oh well. Next week... Tomorrow I'm going on my grocery tour with my trainer, which will be fun.

Anyhoo, I should be putting all the folded laundry away, not blogging!

Here are some great pictures...

July 5, 2008

7 weeks

Well, miss Luci is now 7 weeks (and 2 days) old. We had her "6 week" check up on Wednesday, and she is perfectly healthy. She is up to 12lbs (and something ounces, can't remember). She's smiling all the time now, which cheers me up all the time.

Cohen and Lili are enjoying their summer. I love how healthy they look - flushed cheeks, bright eyes. Swimming lessons start for both of them next Tuesday, which should be a good refresher for them before we go on vacation in August.

On Wednesday I also met with my new nutritionist/trainer. It went really well... except that yesterday and today, I cannot stand up. I have injured myself already, and it really sucks. It's pretty bad. I can barely walk, and cannot stand up nor sit down without help. Which should make today interesting, as I have 4 kids today and Ian's working. Oh well, I managed yesterday (sort of). It feels worse today. And last night I was so disappointed to find that the pool I go to has cancelled deep-water workouts except for Mon/Wed evenings for the summer. I dragged my sorry ass to the pool last night (ok, I was gunning for the hottub, I'll admit) for a workout, only to find that it was cancelled. That sucks.

The eating is going ok. I'll admit that I'm far less enthusiastic than I was last time around - mainly because I'm that much more busy and I know how time gets away from me these days, so finding the time to prep healthy meals is going to be a challenge. One day at a time, though, and I'll make it through. Our goal is to lose 30lbs in 3 months, which is totally doable. In 12 months, I should be at my goal weight, provided I keep up with everything.

Anyways, that's my update. I'll post some pictures later, though I'll admit, we haven't taken many this week!


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