April 26, 2008

37 Weeks

Today is my 4th last day of work. I've been really pushing myself this week, trying to get everything done exactly how I want it done before I leave... and in doing so, I've totally worn myself out. I can't remember ever feeling this tired in my entire life! The timing couldn't be worse - Ian starts his night shifts tonight, and that generally means that for the next 3 days, I'm on my own! Thank god it's Friday - Pizza Night at our house - and hopefully Ian is at home right this second trying to get the house cleaned up as much as possible for me, so that there is not so much for me to do before the party on Sunday!

Baby is moving around quite forcefully today. In fact, a few minutes ago, I stood up and actually thought for a split second that she was going to fall out, as the pressure was so strong. I sat back down pretty darn quick.

3 more weeks, at the most. Ok, 4 at the most, but let's not talk about that right now.

What a week. It's been so crazy trying to get things ready - and we've been trying to do some small house renos too (thank you, tax return), which has meant several trips back and forth to the hardware store etc. Plus shopping for Lili's gifts... and then my birthday (yes, we squeezed in dinner and a trip to the grocery store)... and now I still need to get some decorations, get the house cleaned up, order the cake (dammit I just remembered that one), take Lili and her cousin Julia to get their hair done on Saturday after ballet, go get a pedicure Saturday afternoon (yay, a birthday present), and start making all of the food Saturday evening.

Baby, stay put!

Granted, if I went into labour in the next day or two, I'll have a lot less to do this weekend!


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