October 20, 2008


busy weekend - 2 hockey practices, 1 playdate, 1 birthday party, 1 ballet class photo-day, 2 rehearsals, 1 painted kitchen, 3 decorated rooms, and a pub night.

i'm freakin' exhausted. yup - ian was working all weekend. i logged 136 minutes in the van today alone. yikes.

did i mention that luci is no longer sleeping through the night? nope. she likes to wake up at 4am and nurse. then at 4:30am too. and 5am. and 5:30am. and 6:00am. and then I AM. awake, that is.

luci is changing so quickly. she is "talking" all the time, rolling over, sitting up (briefly). it's amazing. i know that in just a few short months she'll be crawling, and then we're in huge trouble.



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