May 2, 2008

Mat leave - Day 1

6:00am - wake up before the alarm. Smile. Snuggle up to Ian.
6:30am - wake up to the alarm. Smile. Hear Ian in the shower... poor guy.
6:35am - wake up to 4 year old daughter jumping on the bed. Smile. Get up.
7:00am - J&B get picked up by their parents. Make breakfast for Cohen and Lili.
7:15 am - realize that we have 1.5 hours still before we have to leave. Start to fold laundry and do some work on the budget.
8:30am - leave house to take Cohen to school.
9:00am - take Lili to Beaners so they can fix the terrible job they did last week.
9:30am - back at home - do dishes, do laundry, fold laundry, clean bathroom, make beds
10:30am - snuggle with Lili
10:45am - shower for 30 minutes. shave legs. leave conditioner in as advised on bottle.
11:30am - leave to pick up Cohen from school
11:50am - take kids out for lunch to celebrate them having their mom back for a year
11:51am - starting to miss daycare, as the kids fight with eachother all the way through lunch
12:45pm - pick up neice Julia, take all 3 kids to music class.
1:15pm - Kodaly level 2 - I'm surprised to learn that Cohen can easily read rhythms with sixteenth notes
2:00pm - Kodaly level 1 - Lili astounds me with her ability to match pitches effortlessly
2:45pm - back in van, off to the Dr with the three kids in tow
3:00pm - waiting in Dr's office
3:45pm - still waiting in Dr's office, amazed that all three kids are behaving so well
3:50pm - waiting in the little room now
4:00pm - finally see Dr - everything looks good, I'm Group B Strep + (no surprise), she tells me to make an appointment for next week but says she'll be surprised if I make it that far. I tell her that by saying that, she has guaranteed that I'll make it right to 40 weeks.
4:15pm - back in van, dropping Julia off
4:30pm - home, finally. Start to read book, fall asleep rather quickly.
6:00pm - Ian comes home, I wake up, he asks "what's for dinner?" Oops.
6:05pm - order pizza
6:10pm - really bad back pain,decide to take a bath
7:00pm - pizza arrives, eat
7:45pm - put kids to bed
8:00pm - watch LOST with Ian
9:00pm - fold laundry, NESTING HITS!
9:30pm - clean washroom
10:00pm - clean bedroom
10:30pm - snuggle with Ian, go to sleep!

It was a nice day... a little busy perhaps but it was nice to be able to spend so much time with the kids... Day 2 is going to be awesome - shopping for a new carseat with Lili, Cohen has a friend coming over for a playdate, and then my brother is taking Cohen and Lili for a sleepover so that Ian and I can have one last "date night"!

Not working feels great... even if I've checked my work email a dozen times already!


Nancy B May 4, 2008 at 2:47 AM  

You go to sleep at 10:30. I can't make it past 9...

Happy Mat Leave! Looking forward to snuggling with that baby!

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